About Us
It is important for our customers and employees to know how and why © MORIN LABORATORIES, INC. was established and what intention we as a nutriceutical company place in our products!
Initially I was motivated by my daughter ISSY (Isabella) & her needs during her long battle with cancer to develop my 1st product: an oral electrolyte concentrate. In honor of Isabella I made a commitment to provide effective, affordable natural health products to assist those in need and to run an honest business that would support life!
In order to fulfill these intentions I first sought help from individuals interested in making a business of my products. In this process some others attempted to copy my electrolyte &; other products without my permission for their own profit. Unfortunately these erroneous products are still sold under several popular name brands!
Learning from these business experiences, I founded my own company © MORIN LABORATORIES, INC. in 1998, as it was apparent to me that this would be the only way that I could keep my intentions and products exactly as I developed them.
So I then created an improved oral electrolyte & registered a trademark for: SELECTROLYTES ®, which has made a name for itself by simply being an optimally effective product!
I am continually inspired to develop useful health care products, usually in an effort to help others with their urgent health issues, but also as an expression of my gratitude & Love for GOD, my ancestors, self, wife, children, fellow humans & all of life.
To assure quality, we grow many medicinal herbs on our farm & propagate wild herbs locally as well. Our products receive optimal care while planting, growing, harvesting, extracting, formulating, packaging & spiritually (not religious) intentional music & prayer. Our catalog contains products that were found to be the optimally effective in assisting those with the particular health issues for which they were developed for.
I trust that our products are as God intended them to be & that they will get to & assist the many they were intended for. A Ω ∞
We intend to create a self sustaining environment that will benefit all life forms on our farm & spread this universally.
I wish for all to be able to Embrace Optimal Health,
Love, Peace and Spiritual Fulfillment!
Vernon L. Morin Jr., President and Founder
Initially I was motivated by my daughter ISSY (Isabella) & her needs during her long battle with cancer to develop my 1st product: an oral electrolyte concentrate. In honor of Isabella I made a commitment to provide effective, affordable natural health products to assist those in need and to run an honest business that would support life!
In order to fulfill these intentions I first sought help from individuals interested in making a business of my products. In this process some others attempted to copy my electrolyte &; other products without my permission for their own profit. Unfortunately these erroneous products are still sold under several popular name brands!
Learning from these business experiences, I founded my own company © MORIN LABORATORIES, INC. in 1998, as it was apparent to me that this would be the only way that I could keep my intentions and products exactly as I developed them.
So I then created an improved oral electrolyte & registered a trademark for: SELECTROLYTES ®, which has made a name for itself by simply being an optimally effective product!

To assure quality, we grow many medicinal herbs on our farm & propagate wild herbs locally as well. Our products receive optimal care while planting, growing, harvesting, extracting, formulating, packaging & spiritually (not religious) intentional music & prayer. Our catalog contains products that were found to be the optimally effective in assisting those with the particular health issues for which they were developed for.
I trust that our products are as God intended them to be & that they will get to & assist the many they were intended for. A Ω ∞
We intend to create a self sustaining environment that will benefit all life forms on our farm & spread this universally.
I wish for all to be able to Embrace Optimal Health,
Love, Peace and Spiritual Fulfillment!
Vernon L. Morin Jr., President and Founder